Atlantis Spin to Win IMA Award

We're very are happy to announce that our Atlantis Spin to Win entry into the IMA competition in the 'Hotel/Resort' category, has won an IMA Outstanding Achievement Award with an overall score of 472 (out of 500).
The Outstanding Achievement award is the second highest honor bestowed by IMA and an extremely challenging award to win.
Your entry has excelled in all areas of our judging criteria and represents a very high standard of planning, execution and overall professionalism.
There were 255 entries submitted in the 'Hotel/Resort' category in the 2013 award year. Projects were scored using five specific criteria, with a score from 0-100 awarded for each criterion. The total of these five scores established your overall score up to a maximum of 500. Websites receiving an overall score between 460 and 479 receive the Outstanding Achievement award.
We're naturally chuffed as anything. Well done team BB :)
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